Virtual (CEU)

More to Say: Helping Communicators Go Beyond Requesting


Life would be boring if you only communicated to express wants and needs. There are a variety of reasons to use language, and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) users have the right to use them all. In this course, you’ll explore communicative functions, ways to expand vocabulary for AAC users, and tools to help identify where to start. You’ll learn practical implementation strategies and communication partner strategies to support communication growth.

Learning Objectives:

Describe two other functions of communication beyond requesting

Describe one benefit and one barrier to requesting as a communication function

Identify four techniques to support implementation of new communication skills

We look forward to learning with you in our live session. This course provides an opportunity to earn ASHA CEU’s and will not be recorded.

Disclosures: Financial Disclosure: Presenter is a full-time employee of Tobii-Dynavox. Non-financial Disclosure: Presenter has no relevant non-financial relationships. Content Disclosure: Because of the unique characteristics of our product, this presentation will focus exclusively on the Tobii Dynavox product line and will not include information about other communication or educational products. Disclaimer: ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products or clinical procedures.

0.25 ASHA CEUs //

Training type
Virtual (CEU)

Lauren Taylor
Lauren is a Learning Consultant for Tobii Dynavox. She is also a Speech Language Pathologist with extensive experience treating clients in rehabilitation centers, hospitals, and schools. Initially joining Tobii Dynavox as a Solutions Consultant, she worked directly with SLPs and their clients to explore assistive technology solutions. Now, as a Learning Consultant, her focus lies in developing and delivering trainings to empower communicators and their partners.

Free of charge

18:00 - 20:45 CET


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More to Say: Helping Communicators Go Beyond Requesting

, 10, 2024 18:00 - 20:45 CET

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