TD Snap

TD Snap

TD Snap

What is TD Snap Motor Plan?

TD Snap Motor Plan is an efficient way for learners with complex access needs to develop language. This page set focuses on core words and word-by-word sentence construction. Each word appears only once with a distinct path, or motor plan, to find it. Over time, the communicator will effortlessly locate words, allowing them to focus more on what they want to say. TD Snap Motor Plan has pagesets available in English, Spanish, and Spanish/English bi-lingual including Castellano and Español Latino dialects.

TD Snap Motor Plan


With TD Snap Motor Plan, communicators can access words in three selections or less. It comes in three grid sizes, Motor Plan 30, 40 and 66. Each layout has the same robust vocabulary, carefully selected to support early language learners and advanced communicators alike.

Tobii Dynavox TD Snap Motor Plan 30

Motor Plan 30

The 30-position page set is designed with accessibility in mind. Buttons are sized for learners that need larger targets. Efficient navigation makes this page set ideal for complex access needs.

Motor Plan 40

The 40-position page set is designed to balance accessibility and customizability while providing access to more vocabulary on the screen. Buttons are designed for learners who need sizable targets.

 Tobii Dynavox TD Snap Motor Plan 40

Tobii Dynavox TD Snap Motor Plan 66

Motor Plan 66

The 66-position page set is designed for learners who can manage smaller buttons. This means less navigation and more space for customisation.

Key features

The 30, 40 and 66 position layouts in TD Snap Motor Plan are optimized with the following key features:

Find words faster

Words are intuitively grouped and organised to be found in three navigations or less. That means less time looking for words and more energy spent deciding what to say and growing language skills.

Customise words

Space is built-in to every page to allow personalisation, empowering learners to express themselves on their own terms.

TD Snap Motor plan filter

Grow vocabulary

Focus on specific words during a therapy session or grow vocabulary over time with the Vocabulary Filter tool, which allows control over available words on the page.


In addition to the powerful set of tools in TD Snap Motor Plan, Tobii Dynavox offers the following resources to support implementation and use:

Students using core first learning materials

Core First Learning

A free printable set of resources designed to help find, read and spell core words.

Boardmaker 7

A powerful tool for creating special education materials, with access to the same PCS library as in Core First.

Tobii Dynavox Boardmaker 7 featured on a Mac, chromebook and windows laptop

Student looking at TD Snap on a whiteboard in their classroom

TD Snap for Schools

A way for teachers to use the TD Snap page sets on classroom whiteboards.


A set of self-guided video tutorials about TD Snap to deepen your knowledge as a professional, parent or caregiver.